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MUJU, district of picturesque scenery

The District of Muju is divided by the Sobaek Mountains that stretch out from north to south. During the Eraof Three Han, the east section was located in Byeonjin and the south section was part of Mahan. While in the Three Kingdom speriod, Mupoong located in the region for merly knownas Byeonjin was in corporated into Silla and was renamed Musan-hyun, while Jugaeregion which had be longed to Mahan was in corporated into Baekje and was renamed Joekcheon-hyun.

After wards in the Unified Sillaperiod, Musan and Joekcheon were renamedas Mupoong and Dancheon, but with the establish ment of Goryeo, Dancheon was later changed to its former name, Jugae.Hereafter, in the Joseon period, when the administrative districts were reformed during the 14th year of King Taejong’s reign, Silla’s Mupoong and Baekje’s Jugae was unified into one adminis tratived is trictand was named by taking the first syllables to make the current name,Muju.

History - Era of Three Han, Three Kingdoms period, Unified Silla period, Goryeo period, Joseon period, Great Han Empire (present age)
Era of Three Han
  • Jugae was part of Mahan while Mupoong was located in Byeonjin
Three Kingdoms period
  • During the reign of Silla’s King Jobun (year 231), Mupoong was renamed Musan.
  • During the reign of Baekje’s King Geunchogo (year 346), Jugae was renamed Joekcheon.
Unified Silla period
  • During the 16th year of King Gyeongdeok’s reign, Musan-hyun and Joekcheon-hyun were renamed Mupoong-hyun and Dancheon-hyun.
Goryeo period
  • During the 23rd year of King Taejo’s reign (year 940), Dancheon-hyun was renamed Jugae-hyun.
Joseon period
  • During the 14th year of King Taejong’s reign (year 1414), Jugae was unified with Mupoong, and renamed Muju-hyun
  • During the 15th year of King Hyunjong’s reign (year 1674), the status of Muju-hyun was elevated to one of the regional military commands and Ansung-hyun which used to be a district of Geumsan (Mt.Geum)wasincorporatedintotheregion.
  • During the 32nd year of King Gojong’s reign (year 1895), the magistrate system was abolished and Muju-hyun was re-titled Muju-gun.
Great Han Empire
(present age)
  • In 1914, Bunam-myeon of Geumsan (Mt.Geum)wasincorporatedintoMuju